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Health Updates

Update #5

Update #5

2-16-23 – Thursday

From Bruce: Surgery went well and we talked with the Doctor. They got all of the cancer with a good margin. We are looking at about a week in the hospital to be sure everything that was connected is working. Then we will get to head home with some direction for care. Also, a follow-up in a couple of weeks with the surgeon and we will be talking about follow-up treatment. Thanks for praying.

From Bart: This is Bart writing for the family. Today was a difficult day of waiting. Beth and I and others in the immediate family visited just before they took mom down to surgery preparation. Dad was able to stay with her until after they delivered an epidural and her pain meds were fully operational. We all spent time in the multiple waiting rooms, the food court, and the coffee shop to pass the time. Waiting was not easy, but we spent quality time together. We were pleasantly surprised when the surgeon came out after 4.5 hours and reported that all had gone as planned. We are hopeful that the next few days are full of short walks, kind nurses, and consistent progress. Please pray with us that healing is quick and complete.