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Science Discovery Days for Homeschoolers

Science Discovery Days at THE ARK

Science Discovery Days at THE ARK are designed with homeschool families in mind. Join us on the SECOND THURSDAY of each month from September through April to explore a different topic each month. Topics include nature, STEM, coding, and winter survival. Choose the months that interest you. 

Parents are more than welcome, but not required, to stay and join in on the explorations. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. Click any "Register Now" button or contact Andrew at to register.  

WHO: Homeschooled Students in 3rd - 8th Grade

WHEN: The 2nd Thursday of each month from September '24 - April '25

              9:30 AM -11:30 Grades 3-5

              12:30 - 2:30 Grades 6-8

WHAT: Each theme listed below has been developed and will be led by our Director of Programming, Andrew, who taught science and art for 25 years and has a Master’s Degree in Education in Natural Science and Environmental Education. He completed the Indiana Master Naturalist course offered through the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

                   Grades 3-5                      Grades 6-8

Sept. 12 -   Pond Life                          Trees and Ponds
Oct. 10 -     Birds and Trees               Orienteering
Nov. 14 -    Sphero Bots                      Vex Robots
Dec. 12 -    Vex Robots                       Sphero Bots
Jan. 9 -      STEM Challenge               STEM Challenge
Feb 13 -     Maple Syruping                Winter Survival
March 13 - Wild Spring Life                Wild Spring Life
April 10 -    Escape The ARK               Ziplines and Escape The ARK

How Much: $9.00 per Student per day

High School Biology Lab


Explore living things and the intricate designs found in creation through investigations, observations, and dissections.

This group of high schoolers will meet every Monday from September 9 through November 18 from 9:30-12:30.

Registration is required for the entire semester at a cost of $120 total. Register by clicking the "Register Now" button.