Merge: Grades 9 - 13
Registration opens on February 1. After that date, register by clicking on any "Register Now" button.
Dates: July 14 - 19, 2024
Dean: Jeremy Glasford
MERGE Camp offers individualized "tracks" for campers to choose from when registering. What are TRACKS? TRACKS are specialty groups that students will participate in daily for the entire week of MERGE (in addition to the "regular" camp activities offered at THE ARK). Each TRACK has limited space, so signing up early is encouraged! Campers and volunteers sleep in the cabins around the pond, the Conference Center dorms, and the Cave (if needed).
Merge 2024 Track Descriptions
1. The Arts- Led by Jennifer Mellon
The Arts track is designed to be an interactive experience in creativity that will match the skills and interests of campers. The track will also offer ways to explore the camp property this year and create using many natural elements. While making art, Jennifer will challenge you to look for ways to experience the Ultimate Creator in your creativity every day.
2. Mixtrack - Led by Jerod Glasford
Have you ever felt too tied down picking just one track for the week of Merge? Mixtrack has been designed especially for you as you will be able to experience all THE ARK and tracks have to offer. Each day will look different as you experience sports, the outdoors, missions, arts, and much more.
3. Sports - Led by Brian Pilarski
What else is there to say? If you are athletic and always on the move, the Sports Track is what you're looking for. When we're together, we will have an awesome time playing, but we will also see how we can use our God-given abilities to accomplish something greater than any championship or scholarship could ever offer! Brian is a coach and competitor who will
point campers to Jesus through gameplay.
4. Missions - Led by Craig Durfor
We will spend the week “on Mission” in Grant County and surrounding areas. We will focus on how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus right now, where God has placed us. Craig is passionate about serving and inspiring others. He will help the group be a blessing to the local community but will also help campers experience the blessing of service.
5. Outdoor Adventure Sports - Logan Wuethrich
Do you enjoy being outdoors and adventurous but like getting outside traditional sports activities? This track will allow you to engage with a different adventure sport each day as you tackle God’s creation in a fun and meaningful way. It will also allow you opportunities to encounter God outside in His creation.