THE ARK hosts a missionary who lives on the property for the summer and who shares daily with the campers what God is doing in and through their mission. Campers and volunteers are invited to partner with the missionaries by praying for them and giving financially. This summer, we are honored to have Rebekah and Gabriela with us. All the offerings campers and volunteers give will go directly to their ministry in Spain. Here's a bit about Rebekah and Gabriela in their own words:

Rebekah lives in Spain, where she has served since 2013. Before that, she served as a church planter in Venezuela. She is currently the Executive Director of Anchor418 and the leader of a fun team of Venezuelans in Galicia.
Because Spain’s population is less than 2% Christian, there is a great need for the gospel to be offered in many different ways. The team in Galicia shares the gospel through social media outreach and community involvement using the great sport of cornhole! Rebekah and her team are dedicated to Biblical Christianity and proclaiming freedom and good news to all! Rebekah looks forward to sharing all God is doing in Galicia, Spain, this summer!
Map used with permission from

Gabriela is from Caracas, Venezuela, and has worked in Spain for 10 years. She serves with Anchor418 in Galicia and deeply desires to share the truth of God’s word with anyone who will listen.
Her primary focus in the ministry is the social media world, sharing testimonies and biblical truths through the team’s online outreach. Not only does she have a stellar accent, but Gabriela’s compassion for lost souls makes her sensitive to the needs of others and a joy to be around. Gabriela is looking forward to sharing this summer about all that God is doing through our ministry in Spain.