Join us in person at THE ARK or from afar as we cover the ministry in prayer in preparation for campers and volunteers to come this summer. You can come to THE ARK anytime this week and do a prayer walk or sit down in a comfy spot if you’d rather not walk.
Maps and prayer guides will be provided in the box outside the north office entrance of the Conference Center. The map and prayer guides are also downloadable in the links below.
I plan to meet anyone from 7:30-8:30 pm daily to pray. If that time works for you, I’d love for you to join me. -
Bruce, Executive Director

We'd love your help getting the buildings and grounds ready for campers this summer!

Over 30 Camps sessions are planned for June - July for incoming Kindergartners through High School Grads. There's even a day camp for grandparents to come with their K-1 grade grandkids. Pre-registration is required for all campers. Clink on the link below to learn more and to register.
Click on the event names to learn more about each one. Bookmark this page and check back often for the latest programs.