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Health Updates

Update #12

2-25-23 – Saturday It has been a busy time. Pamie was released from the hospital yesterday. We talked with the Doctor and then Pamie asked if we could pray with him. I worded a blessing over this healer and his ministry to so many people and their families. He said we made his week. Well, he made our year! We are thankful for how God used him in mighty ways and pray God continues to do that through him.

I found a wheelchair and since I already had the car loaded just said our goodbyes and took Pamie to the car. We got in and it wouldn’t start!! The battery was dead! It was low when we parked it and it had not been started for 2 weeks. 2 hours later after conversations with some friends (Thanks Liz, Hannah, & Danny) and a jump from the maintenance department at the garage, we were on our way. Feeling totally responsible I released guilt, shame, and blame to the one who sets us free.

We arrived home late and got settled and made a schedule. Pamie is sleeping well and also walking the house to keep the exercise going. Next week we talk with our doctor for further consultation and follow-up.

Posts will continue here on the camp website but less regularly. Thank you for your friendship and your prayers. We have seen the hand of God as He has moved in response to the prayers of the saints.

Text either of us if you like. No guarantees you'll hear back but we do enjoy hearing from you.


Peace & Joy be yours,

Bruce & Pamie