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Health Updates

Update #17

Thank you for the help you have been to Pamie and me on her health journey. We have watched the hand of Jehovah Rapha move and work.

So, here is our thank you and update. First, Pamie is doing well. Energy and pain come at different levels and times. But overall, she is improving. She is on the healing path. Your gift allowed us to book a room for Bart & Beth so they could be with us the week of surgery. It is helping us cover travel to Chicago for continued testing and meeting with the surgeon and paying medical bills.

We could not have asked for a better surgeon. Thank you to Dr. Sharma for making that happen. July 10th was a CT scan and meeting with the surgeon. Everything has healed well from the surgery. A 3mm spot showed on the lower lobe of the left lung. Our prayer is it will be totally gone when we return to Chicago in October for another scan. A small hiatal hernia was discovered as well. Regular blood draws, port flushes, and meetings with the oncologist have been part of our lives for the past few months.

Dr. Mahendrin is amazing, and we are blessed to have her as our oncologist. When we shared what the chemo was doing to Pamie, she agreed the chemo was killing her. That gave her three rounds which was a good preventative. In June, the cancer markers were down. That was a direct answer to prayer. We now continue focusing on our health and living life fully. Our family relationships, our camp relationships, and our mission relationships have become more precious than ever.

What have we learned?

1.      We might be struggling but you don’t have to look very far to find someone who has it worse than you.

2.      We have some amazing friends who shared financially and prayerfully to carry us through.

3.      We are deeply and crazy in love with each other and will do anything for the other. We knew this but it was lived out in some amazing ways and we still like being together.

4.      God often answers prayers in unexpected ways. Chicago was not our first choice but God used it and the surgeon in some remarkable ways. We even had a friend and camp alumni who came and got our laundry to do it for us.

5.      Do not park your car in long-term parking and forget to start it during the two weeks you are there, especially in the winter. The battery was dead when we were ready to leave. Another camp alumni brought a battery charger hoping it would help us.

6.      Pay attention to who God is calling you to, even when you feel miserable. We had the privilege of praying for our surgeon and with some folks who were there as patients while in Chicago.

Thank you again for your loving friendship. We cannot thank you enough for investing your treasure with us. We also love you and pray for you as we send this.

May you know the great Joy and Peace of walking with Jesus.


Bruce & Pamie