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Health Updates

Update #20

Thank you so much for all your cards and prayers. We have appreciated all of you. I’ve been recovering from the April 3 surgery. With two tumors removed and a hiatal hernia repair all done at the same time recovery has been longer than after the first surgery in 2023 and I still have some abdominal pains. My energy level is very low and  I have to limit my activities.


We also moved off camp property May 3 so we have been on a roller coaster ride of busyness and emotions. I had a CT Scan July 3. Then an oncology appointment July 24. When I received a call moving my appointment up to July 9 with my oncologist I knew the news was not going to be good. I already have new cancer cells growing in the upper abdomen, this just since the February 29 Pet Scan. With this new metastasis, we knew there was more of a fight ahead.


This week I started a chemo pill with the hopes my body can handle this better. Day one was rough. Second day better after I threw up. Then the day went almost normal till evening when nausea took over. Please pray for my body to be able to tolerate this without so much nausea.


My oncologist wants to fight this with me because we are strong believers and she knows we have people praying everywhere. She believes God will do a miracle! Our prayer is that by the end of 2024 I am cancer free with no new cells forming. We are asking you all to join with us.

My choice as I am able is to enjoy life, travel, see family and friends, and even volunteering some at the camp.


I am limited in contact with other people during this time so we are trying to navigate that. I still want visitors but they just need to be well.