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Health Updates

Update #21

In July we learned that Pamie had some cancerous cells growing in her abdomen - yes, it seemed to be too soon after the 2nd massive surgery. A meeting with her oncologist resulted in a start of chemo on July 23rd. That was a Tuesday and by Wednesday night we were headed to the hospital to get some help with nausea that would not let up.


What we thought would be a quick trip turned out to be a longer stay at the hospital, as additional tests revealed that Pamie also had congestive heart failure (CHF). She had fluid in her lungs that was affecting her oxygen saturation.


Because of the harsh reaction to chemo along with her heart condition the Dr. told Pamie there were no more options for treating the cancer. Pamie had already decided to stop any chemotherapy. Her oncologist was in agreement and also suggested that any type of invasive procedure would put her heart at further risk. The cardiologist was recommending a surgical procedure and Dr. Mahendran told him that Pamie's body couldn't handle it. Pamie agreed.


Dr. Mahendran recommended starting hospice so that Pamie can get the care she needs at home and have one Doctor managing all her care. We know saying this to you all brings thoughts about the end of Pamie’s life here on earth to mind, and it has to ours as well. Pamie could have months and we hope even years left to live (though none of us really know the number of our days here). The beauty of Hospice is the support they give you and they will transition with her as she needs more care.


It also doesn’t mean we are any less determined in our prayers for her healing. The addition of a heart condition has maybe changed the focus of the ask in those prayers while at the same time moving us into a new area of surrender to Him. He is most always late and rarely grandstands so we are simply waiting and trusting. We know that God's will for all of us is full surrender and His best promise is that He is with us always. So we enjoy each day as Pamie is able, as a gift to be in His presence and to be in the presence of others He brings near.


New medications for her heart have been added to her daily regimen, and right now the challenge is getting them balanced to avoid the side effects. The biggest difficulty is getting her digestive track to cooperate with the concepts of keeping food down and in. Since returning home from the hospital, Pamie has met with several different people from the hospice agency and now has a weekly visit from a nurse.


She has been getting details for the Ladies Retreat finished up and was thankful to be able to attend the wedding of one of her “adopted” daughters this past weekend. She’s looking forward to some travel planned for after the Ladies Retreat and we are taking things day by day. Thank you for your continued love and support through this journey.