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Pamie Cameron's Obituary

Pamie Cameron, 68, is now at rest in her Heavenly home. Jesus came to escort his daughter to her new home and fully restored body on September 14, 2024. Her loss is felt deeply by all those who knew her. She is survived by her husband (Bruce) of 45 years, children (Beth 40: husband, Josh, and their 9 children) & (Bart 37: wife, Andi, and their 3 children), Mother (Nancy Leatherman), Mother-In-Law (Bev), sisters (Tamy) & (Terrie), and countless others who were adopted by Pamie as her children and grandchildren. The number of those adopted by Pamie’s loving heart would certainly fill a small book, and she loved them as though they were hers from their births. Nieces and Nephews, Friends, and Ministry Partners…we could list all those she left behind, but the number of people whose lives were touched by Pamie is likely endless.

Pamie was the oldest of four children and was greeted by her brother Perry, father Eugene (Gene), mamaw Mary, and father-in-law Rod when she entered eternity. Many others have gone on before her, and we are certain she is fussing about the huge party they threw for her. Pamie was never the life of the party, but the one who threw the party and made sure everyone was well looked after. She also stayed late to clean up and put everything back to rights. Her love for others was seen in her servant’s heart in all that she did. She spent her married life serving by her husband’s side in ministry: TN (3 years), Sugar Creek (3 years), Wonder Valley Christian Camp (7 years), and THE ARK Christian Ministries (35 years). She served in MomLife (7 years), Doula to Daughter for 8 births, Comfort Quilters, Sarah’s Committee, Ladies Retreat Committee, and various roles at camp through the years. She was a world traveler to many places.

Bruce often says that Pamie was the secret of his success. They truly complemented one another. She could often be found working in the camp office, helping in the kitchen, greeting volunteers with her smiling face, and was almost always washing someone’s laundry. We will all remember how she taught us to do the laundry (the correct way), clean a space properly, and show hospitality to all those who enter our spheres. She earned the nickname “The Laundry Sheriff” many years ago, by her oldest daughter, and we (her children) believe she secretly loved it.

Pamie loved to read and worked at Converse Public Library for 14 years. She even completed classes to become a librarian in her retirement if she chose. She enjoyed sewing, quilting, and crocheting, oftentimes with her Sister (Tamy), Mother-In-Law (Bev), Daughters, and Grand-daughters. Family vacations will be cherished memories and proof that Pamie loved unconditionally. No other person would brave a vacation with all the children and grandchildren as she did while putting up with all of our crazy schemes. Not only was she tolerant of all of us, but she was the strongest woman in the face of difficult circumstances. Her quiet strength and unwavering faith in the Creator taught us all what real faith looked like.

Pamie’s favorite Bible verses were Philippians 2:5-7, Philippians 4:4, and the entire book of James.

Philippians 2:5-7: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

While her absence will be felt for decades, we rejoice in the hope that we have in Jesus Christ, our Savior. It is by His blood alone that we will see Pamie again and be blessed to live by her side in our eternal home with our Heavenly Father.

There will be a Celebration of Pamie's life on Sunday, September 22, from 4-7 pm at THE ARK Christian Ministries Conference Center (3522 N 1000 W 27, Converse, IN 46919). We will start with a time of sharing memories from 4-4:45 pm. A meal will be available from 5-6 pm. The Conference Center will be open for loved ones to gather and remember Pamie until 7 pm. You are invited to come and share some time with others who have been impacted by this servant-hearted woman of God. Pamie donated her body to science, so there will be a burial at Syria Christian Church in Orleans, IN, at a later date. Thank you for your prayers and your faithful friendship.

Memorials can be given in Pamie’s memory to one of her favorite ministries: Eden Ministries in Zimbabwe by clicking here or THE ARK Christian Ministries by clicking here.